Вот такое вот письмо.... переведите плиз!
----- Original Message -----
From: Surm
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 1:42 PM
Subject: Fw: IPSC Ireland. Urgent Information Request.
Lilleinimesed võidutsevad. Meil jääb üle ainult õnnelikud olla, et meil on normaalne seadus. Ja ühtlasi meenutan kõigile, et kõigi meie kohuseks on oma tegemiste ja käitumisega kindlustada seda, et käesolev relva(seaduse) seis Eestis ei halveneks.
50 41346
----- Original Message -----
From: FitzGeralds of Kells
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 12:35 PM
Subject: IPSC Ireland. Urgent Information Request.
Dear Vince .
I would be grateful if you could pass this information request to all IPSC regions , I have some of the e.mail address but I don't have them all
On behalf of the IPSC shooters in Ireland , I am asking for advice , and guidance to assist us in our urgent discussions with our Government .
The Irish Government intends to bring in to law the following section in our Firearms Act .
29.—The Principal Act is amended by the insertion of the following
new section after section 4B (inserted by section 34 of Act of
“Prohibition of
practical or
4C.—(1) It is an offence for a person to facilitate
or engage in the use of a firearm for the purposes
of practical or dynamic shooting.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the facilitation
or engagement in the use of a firearm pursuant
to an authorisation under section 2(5)(a) of
35 this Act, where the muzzle energy of the firearm
is less than 16 Joules.
(3) A person who is guilty of an offence under
this section is liable—
(a) on summary conviction, to a fine not
40 exceeding \5,000 or imprisonment for
a term not exceeding 12 months or
both, and
(b) on conviction on indictment, to a fine
not exceeding \20,000 or imprison45
ment for a term not exceeding 7 years
or both.
(4) In this section “practical or dynamic shooting”
means any form of activity in which firearms
are used to simulate combat or combat training.”.
New section 4C of
Principal Act.
The Irish Dept Of Justice are proving difficult to deal with but we have support from a number of Politicians and in particular the group on the Justice Committee .
We are proposing a change at the committee stage to specifically include IPSC as a recognised Target Shooting Sport , we require the following information to assist us in our discussions .
Is IPSC recognised by your Government / Police as a approved sport .
Is IPSC recognised by the other Target Shooting Associations in your region and the Olympic Committee of Your Region
Is IPSC funded by way of Government Funding , Sports Funding etc .
We are fighting this all the way but we need this basic information to convince our Government that we are sports men and women
Thank you