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05-07.06.2008, Level III, Extreme Euro Open, Hodonice, CZ

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 PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 21:24 pm   
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Joined: Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:11 pm
Posts: 812
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
05-07.06.2008 в Чехии (Hodonice) состоятся суперсоревнования
" Extreme Euro Open 2008". 30 упражнений, мин. 550 выстрелов.
Регистрация уже началась и скоро закончится!!!!
Информация : ... &Itemid=10

тел. +372 56 52 370

 PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 21:50 pm   
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Joined: Tue Nov 13, 2007 13:11 pm
Posts: 92
Registration for MAIN match is NOW CLOSED

Only registred to PREMATCH and for Waiting For Main Match (WFMM) is now avalalaible.
Please don´t worry registred to the pre-match, because it will be a same quality match like as main match.

Ammunition order

Dear friends shooters,If you need a ammunition for the match, is a posibility to order by a company CAIRO. Is a posibility reloading ammunition too. All information about ammunition you get on this e-mail

some info for you:
this is a map of environs Hodonice, you can´t look for accommodation in Znojmo or Hononice only.

Brno Airport

Prague Airport ... ce=1SRSKK4

references to accommodation:

and this is web page of city Znojmo:

Czech Republic will enter to Schengen space on 31.12.2007. The moving over border, and other next attribute about arriving will be easy. More information you can find here: ... gen-area-/

Gun Permit

Temporary Import of Firearms and Ammunition in the Czech Republic

(Firearms Act No. 119/2002 Coll. – Section 46 – Firearms and ammunition transit)

For the holders of European Firearms Permit

1. Firearms imported by the holder of the European Firearms Permit shall be listed in his European Firearms Permit. The holder of the European Firearms Permit shall submit an officially authenticated invitation of the sports event organizer.

2. Notice: Everyone that transports a firearm and ammunition through the state frontier of the Czech Republic is obliged to notify the police in the frontier of the Czech Republic of this fact and at the same time to show the firearm, ammunition and the European Firearms Permit and an officially authenticated invitation to the control.

3. The firearms transit permit for the participation in the international event in the sports shooting is free of administrative charges.

For the holders of other licences - "National Firearms Permits"

4. Everyone that owns the Firearms Accompanying Document – “Zbrojnн průvodnн list – ZPL“ (hereinafter referred to as ZPL) can temporarily import and use firearms and ammunition for the stated purpose.

5. ZPL can be issued before your departure by an embassy of the Czech Republic in your country or by a unit of the Police of the Czech Republic in the frontier when you enter the Czech Republic (also the airport).

6. ZPL is issued on the basis of an application that shall be submitted on a special form (FORM-eng; FORM-esp; FORM-fra; FORM-ger; this form is always one sheet of paper printed on both sides) and accompanied by an officially authenticated invitation of the sports event organizer and by the „National Firearms Permit“.

For the travel with a firearm to the countries of the European Union
(Czech Republic will be a member of the European Union since May 1, 2004)

7. When they are controlled on the outer frontier of the European Union, the participants from the third countries who travel to the member state of the European Union shall submit the permit of each member state in or through whose territory they are going to travel with a firearm or ammunition. Note: in the case of air transport, this permit is constituted only by ZPL according to the clauses 4,5 and 6.

8. Notice 1: Everyone that transports a firearm and ammunition through the state frontier of the Czech Republic is obliged to notify the police in the frontier of the Czech Republic of this fact and at the same time to show the firearm, ammunition, ZPL and an officially authenticated invitation to the control.

9. Notice 2: Every holder of ZPL shall return it to the police on the frontier when leaving the Czech Republic.

10. The firearms transit permit for the participation in the international eventin sports shooting is free of administrative charges.


 PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 15:53 pm   
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Joined: Tue Nov 13, 2007 13:11 pm
Posts: 92
Information about payment method for the match CZ EXTREME EURO OPEN 2008
Account number: 2860024001/2400
Account owner: CZ EEO HELL SQUAD, Dobrovskйho 50, BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC
Registration fee: 100,- EURO (Juniors 50,- EURO)
Addres - Payments on account: eBanka, Palackйho třнda 76, BRNO 612 00
More very important information see please in section Files/Download

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